Most professional carpet cleaning companies use a wet carpet cleaning method commonly known as steam cleaning. However, this type of cleaning is not really steam cleaning at all. Technically, it's hot water extraction, and cleaning technicians typically use a wand to extract a mixture of hot water and detergent which was used to clean the carpet. There are many reasons to avoid this wet carpet cleaning method.
PROBLEMS WITH HOT WATER EXTRACTION...Why you should avoid wet carpet cleaning methods.
If you are allergic to mold or dust mites, you probably already know you should keep the humidity level in your home below 50% to avoid the growth of unwanted organisms. Mold and dust mites thrive in damp environments, and steam cleaning is known to leave the carpet wet, sometimes for hours, even days.
The carpet padding takes even longer to dry, because it can't get proper air circulation, which provides ideal conditions for mold and mildew growth. Hot water extraction can also cause damage to the floor beneath the padding, especially if it's wood. This is another reason to avoid wet carpet cleaning methods.
Another reason to avoid wet carpet cleaning methods is the amount of time you have to wait to move the furniture back. It you move it back before the carpet is dry, it could leave permanent stains. Metal parts touching the carpet may leave rust stains, and stained furniture can leave permanent stain marks under the legs.
Wet carpet cleaning methods also leave behind a detergent residue if they are not rinsed properly. This residue makes the carpet sticky, and attracts more dirt to the carpet fibers after cleaning, causing you to clean more often than needed.
Experience the Difference with Quik-Dry Inc. Carpet Cleaning! We've been providing exceptional carpet dry cleaning services to the Greenville - Spartanburg area since 1989! Our process is dry in 1 hour, leaves no dirt attracting residue, and is completely safe for children and pets! Give us a call at (864)586-5550 or contact us online for a free estimate.